Why do life insurance premiums increase? And how to stop it.
Very rarely will a bank or insurance company clearly show you the life time costs you can expect to pay for a life insurance policy. About 80% of life insurance policies sold in NZ are simply not designed for the long term, because premiums increase every year. The problem is as you get closer to 40 and 50 and beyond the increases get horrendous. Obviously your older and the risk is higher and banks and insurance companies don’t take any account of you being a client for many years. This article looks at your options for life insurance.
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How to prepare your business for growth
You’ve worked hard on your business and finally have made a break. It looks as though things are going to be consistently picking up from here. There are some very important things you need to consider doing to prepare your business for significant growth at this time. This article helps you navigate your business through a high growth period.
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10 things an accountant can do for you
If you're wondering why you may need an accountant, it can help to be aware of the support they can offer you. This article investigates ten things an accountant can do for you - to save you time and money!
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