Accounting & Tax Services - Awakeri (3192) (3192)

the Whakatane Region, the Bay of Plenty Region

Best match results for accounting & tax services in Awakeri (3192) + 30km.

    A business mentor offering strategic management and customised sales training. International and market wide experience in many sectors including retail, energy, manufacturing, logistics, professional services, primary industry, franchise, finance and more. Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Awakeri (3192) (within 50km)


    Chartered Accountant with commercial and practice experience. I have worked for big corporations (listed on NZX), locally owned companies and accounting firms. I have experience in forestry, farming and other businesses. We aim to offer cheaper accounting fees by not having leased offices, and we are flexible what times we work so we can fit in with our clients as well as our families. Experience in Franchises also. Read more

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