- Wellington Central (6011), Wellington Region
- 40-50 km from Paraparaumu Beach (5032)
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #4 Most Popular in the Wellington Region for 2023
Risk Management Advisors - Paraparaumu Beach (5032) (5032)
Paraparaumu, the Wellington Region
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If your business performance isn't as good as you think it should be, but you don't know why, you need the services of MathildaRock Consulting. Think of me as your independent, troubleshooting, management accountant. * I delve into your business to understand and uncover its secrets to improve its financial performance. * I focus on processes, efficiency and effectiveness, looking to see where you might be leaking money and how decisions are impacting your business. * I work from the... Read more
Online Life Insurance Brokers who specialise in getting clients the right product for the right price. Whilst they offer a 30% discount on first year premiums they work with the client to get the best possible outcome. It is not always easy to get insurance cover with medical difficulties etc. We assist clients with getting Life Insurance and Income Protection insurance at the best possible price. Read more